CITC X – Allanoo

CITC X – Allanoo project – Dessau international architecture graduate school
by Zachary Wilson and Anastajia Palagina

location: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Containerbahnhof Frankfurter Allee
area: 36 400 m2

Project program

The project is located in the east part of berlin in between two contradictory neighbourhoods – Friedrichshain and kreuzberg. the site is aligned to the ringbahn station – Berlin frankfurter allee. these two general characteristics contributes location with continuous human flow, variable in terms of needs and interests.

the site analysis has shown a current situation, which has significance of sort of a gap, created by social masses, social environment and social usage of the area. within this three general criteria, the project development goals are:
– unification of social classes
– strenghtening of comunity living concept
– creating a building as a platform for information exchange and educational purposes
– physical connection to leisure areas and creation of more convenient human flow within the site borders

the purpose of new building – multifunctional space, hosting art gallery, public events, discussion platforms and exhibition spaces.

Project Keywords:

codes in the clouds