Date: 2010
Location: DIA – Dessau Institute of Architecture – Germany
This studio aims to address the current architectural discourse of the so-called ‘New Structuralism’ in context of its foundations within the development of architectural and biological computing. The studio positions itself within the field of cybernetics and computational biology and encourages research by design.
Objective of studio is to arrive at a structurally-informed prototype for architecture, based on an understanding of the inherent, logical properties of material behavior and their corresponding collective assembly logic derived from its immediate environmental influences. The studio focuses on exploring the rule-based organizational system of material using advanced digital tools and computational ways of thinking and making. Students are asked to select an appropriate ‘structuring’ material for their own investigation as starting point to develop a potential architectural component via a series of intuitive physical experimentation. Attempts would be made to abstract the implicit generative rules governing the component’s observed collective behaviors into explicit codes, in order to generate and further formulate new iterations of spatial configuration and architecture.
GLass Sponge (Güley Alagöz)
Bubbles (Marta Sowinska)
Cytosceleton (Iurii Kaygorodtsev)
Tissue (Piangpim Thongsawang, Marzieh Gholami)