Carnegie Mellon University, School of Architecture,
February 08th – 9th 2013
A conference on the autonomy of architecture I code I fabrication I material morphology I robots I machinic desire and a computational theory The architect is no longer an organizer of matter and space, but a designer of systems with multi-layered components and complex relationships. [En]Coding Architecture 2013 brings together rising superstars, experienced researchers and designers to present experimental work derived through computational thinking and digital making. [En]Coding Architecture 2013 positions the field of architecture as an alloy of programming, digital tooling, art and science. The conference synthesizes new trajectories for the profession in a cybernetic context of tectonics, cultural philosophy, architectural theory and geopolitics. Undeniably, there is a global desire to re-discuss architecture now. Come and join the discussions for the evolution of architecture… Speakers included: Warren Neidich, Sanford Kwinter, Eric Goldemberg, Sean Ahlquist, Wes McGee, Madeline Gannon and more. Next to invited speakers, we received almost 60 project submissions…
Photos: Rob Southard, Jordan Parson (robot), © Carnegie Mellon University