co-chaired by Liss C. Werner, Lila Panahi-Kazemi, Andrea Rossi
as part of the EMCSR2014 – European Meetings of Cybernetics and Systems Research:
Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Repsonsibility of the Systems Sciences chaired by Stefan Blachfellner, BCSSR – Bertanlanffy Centre for the Science of Systems Research
22nd – 25th April 2014
TU Vienna, Austria
EMCSR website
book of abstracts
‘It is the basic characteristic of every organic system that it maintains itself in a state of perpetual change of its components. This we find at all levels of biological organisations.’ Bertalanffy, 1968
Architectural Ecologies: Code, Culture and Technology at the Convergence operates on the architectural interface between system theory, computation and biology, focusing on processes that are described as an alloy of technology, ecology and culture.
The symposium opens a discussion on urbanity-systems, defined as coded, self-organising organisms structurally based on circular observation, feedback and learning, to a field of experts that can empower the discipline through a dynamic exchange within system theory. Since in C21 virtual and material reality merge and take on the form of code, architecture challenges the development of its own expertise at the understanding and description of structures as systems (living and non-living, virtual and material) in a spatial-temporal evolution. A critical understanding of this construct is required to enable the design of design strategies for apparent complexity. Therefore the debate targets the deep impact of system theory as culture, and simultaneously describes a frame for post-digital, namely biological, tools to become an element that allows for the understanding of urban and natural systems as a whole.
The symposium invites contributions in form of
– papers
– code-based simulations, research and investigations
from all disciplines aiming at an interdisciplinary approach within the above-mentioned fields. We do encourage scholars, researchers and practitioners to furnish a discourse that crosses boundaries of analogue-digital emergence.
Anna Barbara, Leiden Bergsee and Denis Bataille, Henriette Bier and Sina Mostafavi. Alessio Erioli and Paolo Alborghetti, Ali Farzaneh, Alexandras Kitriniaris, Tim Ireland and Emanuel Zaroukas, Alessandro Malis and Pengfi Li, Jeffrey S. Nebst, Kelvin Rojas