at DIA, Bauhausstraße 5, Dessau
Feb – July 2012
‘Ace of Space’ is part of the series describes a design and built project investigating into a multi-scalar workflow using parametric tools to digitally fabricate and assemble a twisting structure with morphing hexagonal modules. The project looked at the dichotomy of the construction drawing, its traditional and current form and role through code and engraved nomenclature, where construction drawings are replaced.
The architectural design process of form generation and morphology using computational techniques too often promises aesthetically exciting results that challenge architects and engineers to geometrically optimize the form and to choose the most suitable tooling technique for materialization of the developed form. Material behavior and structural systems are to be considered as integral part of the design process in an early stage. GEOMETRY AND FORM investigates into the shift from design-thinking via design-scripting, prototyping and simulation to design-making. Aim of the elective is to design, construct and build a temporary structure using computational tools to act as gathering space for events or as information space. The brief asks for discussing the codes that influence the design- and decision-making process for such a structure, surface articulation and performance.
In collaboration with
Buro Happold: Andrea Menardo, Thomas Kraubitz, Maya Utsunomiya,
‘Complex Geometry and Sustainability Group’ at BuroHappold, Berlin.
The project was partly funded by Hochschule Anhalt.
Arieo Thanico
Chandrabhanu Pattanayak
Cibi Balakrishnan
Deepak Sankaranarayanan
Jose Ignacio Loza
Koichi Sugawara
Pauline Suen Siu Kiu
Prima Surya Abdullah