Grammar code computation

Lecture at “1996 ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programs, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA)” Within the last decades architecture has become increasingly subjected to computation supported by digital means. The ‘object d’architecture’ has been replaced with the ‘object d’information’. In 1917 D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson stated in his treatise that living things and physical phenomena take their form as a result of …

Honorable Mention: Expo Milano Arable Field

a space of interchange ­ a marketplace. Digital information exchange meets analogue interface. The design process of ‘arable field’ is driven by the idea of a porous structure organised around a looped promenade with fields of cultural products and information. The desire was to physically embed all 144 presenting countries within the architecture and to create a spatial arrangement akin …


The architecture of architecture introduces a discussion of the common ground between agent-based behavior through mechanisms of programming and coding cultures, the issue of form as a verb and not a noun as well as a strong bias to the concepts of fractals and Riemannian Manifolds. A theory that relates to a multi-ordered cybernetic model drawing from Gregory Bateson’s thoughts …

Design modelling symposium – Berlin 2011

available at Intellect Books Abstract Looking at architecture through the lens of currently emerging, advanced architectural design tools, strategies and techniques in the 21st century are as questionable as looking through the lens of a 2-dimensional Rapidograph drawing. Architecture is neither determined by complex geometries digitally established through scripting, nor by the one dimensional perception through a hard line drawing. …