Keywords. Organism, evolution, biosemiotic, protocols, computational biology vs. biological computing, bioinformatics, paraarchitecture, Gordon Pask, Heinz von Foerster Abstract: Adopting genetic and biological principles to the act of designing through computational means and digital tools is one of the most challenging tasks architects are pursuing in the beginning of the 21st century. Thinking, working and decisionmaking processes in our discipline of …
Publication in “The psychopathologies of cognitive capitalism”
This book collects together extended papers that were presented at The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Two at ICI Berlinin March 2013. This volume is thesecond in a series of book that attempts to broaden the definition of cognitive capitalism in terms of the scope of its material relations,mespecially as it relates to the conditions of mind and brain in …
Detail Online Magazine – Codes in the clouds
” The architectural research studio, “Codes in the Clouds”, was formed at the Dessau International Architecture Graduate School, by the German architect, teacher and academic, Liss C. Werner. She has exhibited the studio’s work at the 13th Venice Biennale in 2012 and, as a visiting professor, taken it on tour to the Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh in 2012–13. Here is …