Liss C. Werner lecture at ZHA

Lecture at ZHA, 10. November 2016, 6pm, Bowling Green Lane, London EC1 CYBERNETICS FEEDBACK NETWORK – ARCHITECTURE

LCW – external examiner at TU Innsbruck

Two days of Diploma- and Master exams, School of Architecture, TU Innsbruck, October 2016. Professors and examiners include Marjan Colletti, Peter Trummer, Stefano De Martino, Bart Lotsma, Olaf Gipser u.v.m. Webseite Prüfungsablauf

Architektur und Kybernetischer Zirkus at Bauhausfest2016

Das 19. Bauhausfest ist thematisch vor allem dem Bauhaus-Meister László Moholy-Nagy gewidmet. Dabei werden insbesondere seine theatralischen Utopien („Theater, Zirkus, Varieté“,1925) in Verbindung mit Zirkus und Varieté untersucht und Inspirationsquellen für die künstlerischen Projekte des Bauhausfestes sein. Die in den 1920er Jahren in Europa und am Bauhaus populären Kunstformen waren am Bauhaus auch Ausdruck der experimentell-spielerischen und phantastischen Seite des …

THE LIFEPOD [3.0] by Kamel Lokman

THE LIFEPOD [3.0] Science fiction investigation to develop new conditions for conducting life in apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic scenarios From its invention, utopia has almost always been described and depicted as an island. When, in the 1960s, we saw for the first time the photographic image of our blue planet, it was described as an island floating in space. This image …

Codes in the clouds X – Berlin White noise

Dessau International Architecture Graduate School – 2016 Brief WHITE NOISE, is a fuzzy always-existing noise in the background, it is a mish-mash, a higgledy- piggledy hogposh – neither definable nor de-constructible. WHITE NOISE is the audible superimposition of traffic, people moving, talking, the humming noise of computers, LED lights shivering or waves of all kinds, the twittering of birds, the …