ATA – Autonomous T(h)inkering Alcove – entwickelte sich aus der Idee heraus, zu allen Seiten kommunikativ zu sein. ATA soll auch den Projektphasen gerecht werden, die absolute Konzentration verlangen. ATA ist ergonomisch, praktisch und leicht, schön, gemütlich, vor allem synergetisch und adaptiv. So entstand ATA. Das Modul bietet unabhängig von seiner Orientierung besten Raum zum arbeiten, denken, spielen oder relaxen. …
Codes in the clouds VI – Noo Topia
‘The architect is no longer a designer of discrete objects, matter and space, but a designer of systems with complex components and multi-layered relationships, and we have started handling the scripts, but we are still very far away from thinking the protocols, from defining the definitions for the tools needed.’ LCW The flesh of architecture in the twenty-first century is …
Honorable Mention: Expo Milano Arable Field
a space of interchange a marketplace. Digital information exchange meets analogue interface. The design process of ‘arable field’ is driven by the idea of a porous structure organised around a looped promenade with fields of cultural products and information. The desire was to physically embed all 144 presenting countries within the architecture and to create a spatial arrangement akin …
EMCSR 2014 : Architectural ecologies
‘It is the basic characteristic of every organic system that it maintains itself in a state of perpetual change of its components. This we find at all levels of biological organisations.’ Bertalanffy, 1968 Architectural Ecologies: Code, Culture and Technology at the Convergence operates on the architectural interface between system theory, computation and biology, focusing on processes that are described as …