tactile architecture – office für systemarchitektur
understanding architecture, urban design and material as system…
let’s work with you
Tactile Architecture is a research and design firm. The work draws from engages with changing typologies and design strategies for architecture and urban design in an age of human-machine-collaboration, the digital, the analog and material. We engage with small projects as well as joining the global conversation on how to build and design in an increasingly complex world. We are working towards a high standard in sustainability, design principles, innovation, material choice and fabrication. Special interest lies in convergence of architecture, technology, biology and cybernetic principles. The office was founded by Liss C. Werner in 2010. .
visit us
The office is located in a refurbished factory building south of the river Spree.
Tactile Architecture
Adalberstraße 9
3. Hinterhof
10999 Berlin
Fon +49 30 55570633
email us for
projects, collaborations & lectures
PR, publications & workshops

partners and affiliations
Animalesque AA visiting School London, Berlin
ANCB Aedes Network Campus Berlin
ASC American Society of Cybernertics
BCSSS Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Sciences, Vienna
CHORA TU Berlin, Institue for Architecture, Chair for Sustainable Urban Design
ConHouse Next Generation Architecture
DIA Dessau International Architecture Graduate School
eCAADe Education and research in Computer Aided Architecture Design in Europe
Studio Baft Berlin
Conscious City Lab TU Berlin Berlin
2017 Digital Science Match Award for Young Digital Changer, Berlin
2017 Tactile Architecture wins German Enterprise Award for Best for Modern Urban Architecture & Design, Worldwide Business Review
2017 ERASMUS+ grant for guest lectureship, TU Graz
2016 ERASMUS+ grant for guest lectureship, TU Delft
2014 ERASMUS+ grant for guest lectureship, Nottingham Trent University
2013 Frank-Ratchye Grant for Arts at the Frontier, Frank-Ratchy Fund for Art @ the Frontier
2012 George N. Pauly Jr. Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University
team – present and past
pr + marketing:
Tess Marja Werner
architectural projects:
Laurant Dubuis
Lidija Grozdanic
Kim Annaluz Gundlach
Ezgi Nalci
Djamila Pietzner
Pedro Soares
Anna E. Thomas
Pawel Unger
Eliot Marin Cudraz
join us
For internships please send us your CV – max 10MB.

Liss C. Werner
Architektin AK Berlin ⁄ RIBA I/II
MaArch [UCL] | DipArch [UCL] | Bahons [UOW]
Liss C. Werner is a registered architect in Berlin, researcher and Assistant Professor in the field of computational architecture and sustainable urban design at TU Berlin, Institute of Architecture. Here she is leading the CyPhyLab, cyber-physical systems for architecture and urban design. 2010-2016 Werner ran her Master of Architecture design studio Codes in the Clouds at DIA – Dessau International Architecture Graduate School, Anhalt University. Studio work was exhibited at Tongji University Shanghai and the Venice Biennale 2012. Werner practiced in the UK, Russia, Germany. She chaired conferences on cybernetics, computation, architecture, ecology and transformation design. She is the editor of Cybernetics: state of the art, [En]Coding Architecture and Architectural Ecologies, co-editor of Understanding Complex Urban Systems, Springer and author and peer-reviewer of several papers. Werner lectured internationally at Cooper Union, MIT, CalArts, Texas Tech University, TU Berlin, University Kassel, Syracuse University, Nottingham Trent, Linz, TU Graz, Bauhaus University Weimar and ESARQ Barcelona. She served on juries at e.g., TU Delft, ETH Zurich, USC, The Bartlett. Werner was awarded a 1st class Bachelor of Arts from University of Westminster, a Diploma and Master of Architecture – with commendation – from the Bartlett, UCL. Further she was educated at RMIT and Humboldt University Berlin. Liss C. Werner acted as Adj. Assoc. Professor at Taylor’s University 2014-2016 and visiting Professor, George N. Pauly Fellow, 2012/13 at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.