Lecture / Symposium


Cybernetics of Digital Crafting (title tbc)
Graz University of Technology, Austria, 04/2018

Keynote lecture at Corporeal Intervention #4: Work, Body and Leisure
ArtEZ University of the Arts, Zwolle, Netherlands, 2018

CONVERSATIONS. Cybernetics: state of the art
Book Launch joined by Prof. Dr. Paul Pangaro, Prof. Dr. Kristian Kloeckl, Prof. Dr. Omar Khan Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 2017

Introduction to Cybernetics and Architecture
Book Talk on Cybernetics: state of the art at studio Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York City, USA, 2017

A Cloud recycling Light
35th eCAADe 2017, La Sapienza Universita di Roma, 2017

Design, Innovation and AI – The Art of Conversations with Cybernetic ‘Aliens’
World Class New Work 2017, Frankfurt am Main, 2017

Construction with Matter and Data
Technische Universität Darmstadt, in Digital Design Unit, Prof. Dr.-Ing. O. Tessmann, 2017

IoT - Theory and Design in the first object age or the temperamental Environment
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Berlin University of the Arts, Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), 2017

Digital Pre-Fabrication – An urban Investment Strategy based in global Feedback
Pitch for 3rd party funding ‘Digital Industry’
European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Brussels, 2017

Technical Trickitalitie
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture, 2016
Cybernetics Feedback Netgraft – inside the semiosphere | again
Leopold-Franzens Universität, Innsbruck, ioud Institute of urban Design, Prof. Peter Trummer, 2016

Cybernetics Feedback Network in Architecture
Zaha Hadid Architects, London, 2016

Cybernetics Conference, TU Berlin
Welcome lecture at Cybernetics: state of the art, Technical University Berlin, IfA, Chonscious City Lab, 2016

How to Biodigital 2.0
Digitales und Experimentelles Entwerfen und Konstruieren, University of Kassel, EEK Expeimentelles Entwerfen und Konstruktion, Prof. Stepper, 2016

Design Gestalten (Designing Design) - A talk about very small things
Digital Bauhaus Summit, Weimar, 2015

Structural Feeling - It’s not Alice, but Wonderland
Transforming Systems through Design
International Society for Information Studies
IS4IS Summit Vienna 2014

Socio-Ecological Systems Design – Advancing tools, language and architecture
for Designing the Gestaltung of Systems
International Society for Systems Sciences
59th ISSS Berlin 2015

Semiosphere or Venice and the Embodiment of Architecture
Nottingham Trent University, 2014

Material and Operation
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Computational Architecture (Lecture Series)
Bauhaus Universität Weimar, 2014

Experimental Architecture
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Newcastle University, 2014

Computational Architecture
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Syracuse University, New York, USA, 2014

Clarifying the Matter – It’s a Phase Change not a Paradigm Shift
ESARQ, 2nd Conference on Biodigital Architecture & Genetics, Barcelona, 2014

[En]Coding Architecture
DIA - Dessau International Architecture Graduate School, 2014

Parametrics, Aesthetics and Architecture – A continuum
CalArts - California Institute of the Arts, Aesthetics and Politics, Los Angeles, USA, 2014
Semiosphere and Neurotecture or The Causation of Architecture
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA, 2014

From Data Streaming to Patterns of urban Behavior and fabricated Form
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Technische Universität Berlin, ADIP Architecture Design Innovation Program, 2013

The Topography of Computational Architecture, in Light of 2nd Cybernetics
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DESCOMP: Computation Group, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2013

Re-entry – The architectures of architecture and their eigenform
Alan H. Rider Distinguished Lecture, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, 2013

Towards A*cognitivist Architecture – A Cybernetic Note Beyond Parametricism
Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part 2
ICI - Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin, 2013

[En]Coding Architecture
Conference Opening lecture
[En]Coding Architecture 2013, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, 2013

Generative Design vs. Descriptive Modeling
DIA - Dessau International Architecture Graduate School, 2012

Material Behavior as Design Strategies
Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, 2011

Codes in the Clouds – Observing new Design Strategies
Berlin University of the Arts, Design Modeling Symposium Berlin 2011

Studio Codes in the Clouds – From Processing to Making
DIA - Dessau International Architecture Graduate School, 1st Digital Dialogue 2011

Design Strategies
Professorship lecture (Berufungsvortrag), Kunstuniversität Linz, space&designstrategies, 2011

Neurosciences as Design Strategy
Master Class Lecture, CANactions 2010, House of Architects, Kiev, Ukraine, 2010

2009 - 2001

Emergent Systems or Algorithmic Boundaries
Primitive, Conference, University of Cardiff

Synergetic Material
Material Matters, Conference, University of East London

Crème Brulée and Zebra Stripes
University of Liverpool

On Concept in Architecture
University of Nottingham

On Architectural Models
University of Nottingham

On Dance and the Extension of the Body
University of Nottingham

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